Rex Barrington

Rex Barrington – Team Captain

Team Captain Rex Barrington

Rex learnt to shoot at the age of 10 at a very forward thinking school where the headmaster was determined to offer sports other than the traditional team ball games. He then plotted his way through school and university based on the quality of rifle club rather than any academic prowess – obtaining a degree in Engineering Science along the way.
His first Bisley Meeting was 1975 when he also travelled

to Canada as an Atheling, and has toured to Canada twice since with GB teams. As a member, captain and now chairman of Wandsworth FBRC he has had much success and was the first Surrey Captain to take the ‘Grand Slam’ of trophies in a single year.
Although individual shooting has taken more of a back seat whilst his two sons (Franklin and Robin) have been growing up he is pleased to say that both take part in shooting so his wife Margaret is very much a shooting widow!