John Ritchie – Adjutant

John Ritchie Adjutant

John is now retired. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant with Price Waterhouse, for whom he worked for 13 years. He was then a main board Director of a listed insurance group for over 20 years.

He took up shooting for Wandsworth in 1983 when he stopped playing rugby after snapping a tendon in his hand. He has shot in the Queens and St Georges Finals and been in the top 50 of The Grand Aggregate. He has been coaching for about 25 years and has coached in the long Palma Squad and on the NRA Team to the Channel Islands in 2011. After moving from Surrey, he has coached Gloucestershire in all major competitions since 2015.

He has toured with Wandsworth to Australia, Canada, France and Scotland. This is his first GB Tour.