Photo of the tour (so far!)

There have literally been thousands of photos to choose from for our photo section but the following three photos are particularly worthy of note.

In third place is "BUG" by Gareth Davies - a study of a probable man-eating and deadly poisonous arachnid but we can't really tell as its out of focus! If anyone knows what the two black things are at the bottom we would be delighted to know.













In a close second place is "SPEED" by Colin Johnston - the boring eternity of South African roads, especially when you have just taken a 250 mile detour by accident, skilfully captured with a careful reflection of the team sponsors logo as well as a team arm and knee clearly visible in the bus window.
















But the winner is "THE ETERNAL MYSTERY OF BEING" also by Colin Johnston. This magical piece conjures up many varied questions on the sheer vastness of the universe and beyond . . . 

What is blue? Why are clouds? Where is the edge of the blue and what is beyond the blue? Is it more blue? Will it rain?

The delicately placed white thing in the bottom right - what is it? Is it the wing of a low flying albatross? Is the soul of a lost V bull? Is it a bit of a minibus? We may never know . . . Only the artist that is Colin has the answers and will not divulge his secrets . . .  well unless you buy him a drink that is!