28.07.10 Departure

Having assembled and packed at the Surrey RA the previous evening, seventeen members of the team embarked on the coach at 0645 for the trip to Heathrow T3, with 4 accompanying WAGs, including James Thomas, newly espoused husband of Kitty Jack. Four absent team members were to join the team at Ottawa two weeks later.

After an uneventful flight and trouble-free passage through customs in Vancouver’s pristine new airport, the team emerged blinking to bright afternoon sunshine and headed, in rental vehicles, for Chilliwack. As is normal the team started in convoy and ended in disarray, a variety of routes being used by different vehicles. Eventually all converged on the hotel.

While some members of the team went to Jackson’s steakhouse to find their supper, the Adjutant led the remainder off to the Jolly Miller pub across the road from the team hotel for bacon cheeseburgers and chips, washed down by ‘a number’ of pitchers of beer.

It had been a long day.