
Kolapore Long List

The following individuals are under consideration for a shooting position for the Great Britain team to compete in the Kolapore match 2023…

Fantasy Fullbore

Welcome to Fantasy Fullbore! A fundraising competition for the GB Palma Tour to South Africa in March 2024 and the GBRT Team to Canada in August 2023…

Palma 2024 Team

I am delighted to announce the names of those selected for the GB Palma Rifle Team to South Africa, touring in March 2024…

Current & Upcoming Tours

South Africa 2024

29th February – 26th March 2024

Previous World Championship Tours

New Zealand 2019

GB Palma Team 2019 logo

USA 2015

GB Palma Team 2015 logo

Australia 2011

Canada 2007

Previous Tours

Canada 2023

GBRT Canada 2023 logo

South Africa 2023

GBRT South Africa 2023 logo

Canada 2022

GBRT Canada 2022 logo

Canada 2018

GBRT Canada 2018 logo

Canada 2017

GBRT Canada 2017 logo

South Africa 2017

USA & Canada 2016

GBRT Canada 2016 logo

Canada 2013

GBRT Canada 2013 logo

West Indies 2013

USA & Canada 2012

South Africa 2012

Canada 2011

Canada 2010