Chloe Evans

Chloe Evans

Who is Chloe: Chloe is a database administrator at MedPharm, a world-leading pharmaceutical company in Guildford.

Chloe’s shooting career: Chloe started shooting at Gresham’s in 2007 under the leadership of Freddie Grounds. Since then Chloe has toured Jersey (UKCRT), Canada (Athelings), West Indies (GB) and Camp Perry (BCRC & GBU25). In 2015 Chloe was Adjutant for the GBU25 team that won Gold & Silver in the U25 World Championships and Chloe also took home Silver in the U25 Individual. Chloe represents Norfolk and Wales with caps in the last 2 Mackinnon and the last 6 National matches including last year’s victory for Wales, in which Chloe was  top Welsh scorer.

Chloe’s personal life: When not throwing bullets down the range, Chloe can be found throwing a rugby ball at Bracknell RFC where she plays for the Ladies team.

Fact: Chloe is terrified of bouncy castles


“Do or do not, there is no try.”

“Did you see my red shoe?”