Saturday 15th August

After yesterday’s fantastic performance, team GB began their last day in Port Clinton with various degrees of hangover and other alcohol induced symptoms. After all we are World Champions and celebrating is allowed!

The main tasks of the day are going to be packing, eating and quite possibly trying to drink the vast amounts of alcohol that the houses seem to have left over; can’t leave that for the cleaners after we depart!

The team baggage legends supervised by Matty, have begun the tireless task of trying to squeeze large amounts of team kit into a finite amount of team baggage. The on-tour purchasing by team members of shooting jackets, scope stands, range stools and a multitude of other items is taxing the “champions” to the limit and as room in the Team bags runs out, extra bags have had to be purchased to enable all the goodies to be carried home.

Team members were seen heading off in various directions for either breakfast, brunch or lunch depending on how late they arose from their slumbers and whether or not a vehicle was available to convey hungry mouths to the required eatery.

The more organised of us have begun packing our personal bags, though I am sure there will be some who will leave it until late tonight or early in the morning, remembering that we have to be out of Waters Edge by 10 AM in the morning to proceed to Detroit to get on the big bird to take us home.

Tonight we have the end of tour Team Dinner to look forward to. Brandy’s Restaurant is booked, the orders are placed and the alcohol level may well get topped up. Tomorrow’s drivers will need to be careful.

Has it really been nearly three weeks that we have been here? Time has passed so fast, with early starts and long days on the range. Meals out with friends old and new, the beautiful sunrises, sunsets and memories of a fantastic tour. Given the addiction of GB Palma Touring, thoughts might even turn to New Zealand in four years time (don’t tell our other halves).

Goodbye Waters Edge, goodbye Port Clinton and Camp Perry. It’s been lots of fun. I am sure some of us will return.

We came, we competed, we won.

One more day to come, but for now – Thanks for reading – from your diary Team: Ed Jeens, Steve East, David Calvert and Jeremy Langley.

Love to Tour.