Thursday 6th August

Today was the first day off that the team has had since last Tuesday.

Consequently many took the option of having a late night and letting their hair down a little by playing pool at the local pub Lock Dock and Barrel until the early hours.

With the option of a lie in it was going to be a relaxing morning, with many making a move to one of several eateries for a leisurely breakfast.

This was also the day of the GB under 25 matches and the GB veterans’ matches.

Palma team members made their way out to the range to show support as the match began, with the numbers of supporters rising throughout the afternoon.

With the wind blowing constantly from the right, with quite strong gusts at times it was going to be a hard fought match.

The GB under 25s fielded two teams, with both GB Red and Blue dropping 2 points at 300 yards.

Falling back to 600 yards, GB Blue were a further 6 off and while Red dropped 9.

It would all be sorted out at 900 and 1000 yards. With increasing winds the coaches were going to need every ounce of their skills.

After 1000 yards GB Blue finished on 965.74 and GB Red on 955.68.

With the other teams scores in, GB Blue had taken first Place and GB Red second. Well done to our young shooters!

The GB under 21s were also shooting this match and managed a very creditable 6th place with a score of 936.83, all good practice for their match tomorrow.

The GB Vets came second behind US, with Canada in third. Scores to be confirmed.

After the match the GB Palma team hosted all four GB teams for drinks back at Waters Edge, in celebration.

The team then settled down to a barbecue cooked by Tom Drysdale and Henry Day, all followed up with a choice of apple or apricot crumble and ice cream ably prepared by the captain.