And so it begins… Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th January

Saturday 19th January

The GB Palma team had been instructed not to be late for the 09:00 gathering this morning to weigh and pack all the luggage for our departure. But we had also been told by baggage master Matt Millar not to be early, so everyone was bang on time. (more…)

October Training

As the team gathered for the final formal training weekend before the tour with 85 days to go, it was only the hardy and (some would say) foolish who braved the range on the Friday. (more…)

F Class Championships

September Training

September Training Weekend

Friday 7th September

About half the team convened bright and early on Friday morning for a full day of training. (more…)

William Broad

May Training

Friday 18th May

Approximately half of the team met up on the Friday morning at the LMRA clubhouse for breakfast and briefing. (more…)