Day 12 - Bloemfontein

Apologies for the late arrival of the daily diaries - it appears that 14 years of marriage between Captain and Manager has not resulted in the Manager being able to read the Captain's handwriting who was then subsequently unable to access the hotel internet password!

Wednesday morning, and time to acclimatise ourselves to Bloemfontein, something that CJ was obviously dreading, having woken up a number of the team by screaming in the night. Turns out that acclimatisation largely consists of heading out in the buses to "the Waterfront" - essentially a shopping mall around a lake.

The team headed out for breakfast at about 9am, and very quickly discovered that the South African waiting staff are completely unable to cope with parties of more than 5 or 6, and therefore our party of 12 spent some hour and a half ordering and eating breakfast, which consisted of (in entirely non-stereotypical fashion) : Oats for the Scottish, bacon and eggs for the English and breakfast pizza for Gareth. No-one felt like the morning glory muffin though...

By the time breakfast was done, apart from being time for lunch, it was also time for shopping for all of those bits that people feel might be useful for the shooting to come: 60 round ammo boxes (much better than 50, obviously), high carb snacks for the range to supplement Simons bananas, and cool-just-about-everything, in anticipation of the soaring temperatures we are expecting to experience on the range.

Talking of which, the next item on the agenda was a trip to the range for those who haven't been to Bloem before, to learn what they could about the layout of the range, and pick up any wind tips from the likes of Dave Calvert and Jon Underwood. All fairly simple really - targets at one end, firing points down the middle, and the occasional bit of wind to make things tricky.

Dinner was back down to the Waterfront (I'm sure there are other places in Bloem, we just haven't found them yet) and early to bed for most in anticipation of the first full day's shooting in Bloem tomorrow.

Quote of the day goes to yours truly for "Shall we do some team sandwiching them?" Strangely, didn't get many offers, except from Rick...