Day 9 - Nottingham Road

Our second full day at Fordoun, and a chance for the team to shoot against Nottingham Road in team formation for the first time. In order to make things more interesting, the team was split into three target teams of the RAF (assisted by Rick Shouler, conscripted in as an unpaid airman), 'Youth and Enthusiasm' (the enthusiasm being provided by Alwyn and Jon) and 'Age and Treachery' (varying levels of age and treachery per team member).

Unfortunately, not all the team were able to make it out for the shooting, CJ having been dubbed as the new diarrhoeist, despite Karen’s attempts to fix him up by means of vitamin C, quadruple whisky and an early night the night before (not necessarily an officially sanctioned medical treatment.)

The day dawned overcast, and with a light but fairly steady wind, and remained that way pretty much throughout, not that this stopped Rick and Lauren finding enough sun to turn yet another piece of skin into a pink heat emitting surface.

The match kicked off at 300m somewhat earlier than the previous day, thanks to slightly less faff from all concerned. Fortunes at the first range were varied, with some issues still remaining from the previous day to be ironed out, but some very good scores were also produced. The move back to 600 saw Youth and Enthusiasm trailing the other teams, due possibly in part to Lauren (who shoots left handed) being wound the wrong way on her sights - more than once, a common occurrence from right handed coaches, but slightly less common when the coach is also the captain, and shoots left handed himself.

The shooting was generally better at 600 and 900, and at the close, the Nottingham Road F Class shooters had beaten all the GB target teams, recording a score of 585 ex 600, vs. the 578 from both the RAF and Age and Treachery (the RAF target having the edge on V bulls), with Youth and Enthusiasm bringing up the rear a few points behind. Home advantage (and a scope, bipod, heavy rifle, light trigger etc) clearly proving to be too much for the visitors.

Dinner plans for the evening revolved around the restaurant at the hotel, during which Ben introduced Gary to chocolate pinotage, which Gary clearly thought was excellent, introducing himself, and anyone who happened to be nearby, to a couple more bottles as the evening progressed.

The day was also the first that saw Simon transform into Bananaman, a trick that will hopefully be oft repeated in Bloem, to the benefit and sustenance of everyone (and possibly the thwarting of evil everywhere, if he has time).

Quote of  the day goes to James (again) for "Can you come and let me out of the toilets" having somehow managed to lock himself in (some excuse of the handle having fallen off was mentioned), and having to phone Gary to come and help him escape.