Results of State Presidents 1 & 2

Results of State Presidents 1 & 2 can be found below


 State Presidents 1 & 2

Day 20 - end of the Grand Aggregate

So to Thursday, and the last day of the South African Grand Aggregate. With four competitions today at 300, 600 800 and 900m there is still a good opportunity for people to make up some points and therefore places, or to go the other way if they don't have such a good time of it.

At the start of the day, both DC and Jon were positioned with a chance for the top spot in the Grand. Unfortunately, several senior moments from DC seem to have upset his concentration: Firstly, he forgot to wind on any wind at 300m, going out wide of the target (thankfully only for a sighter). Not wanting to repeat the mistake at 600m, DC made sure that he wound some wind on, sadly though this came at the expense of checking that he had set the correct elevation, choosing instead apparently to set a random value that was neither his 300m elevation, nor (perhaps more helpfully) his 600m elevation. Whilst not actually losing him any points, this obviously unsettled DC, and he proceeded to have a somewhat out of character day (ie one where he did unfortunately drop some points.)

Aggregate results

Results of the main aggregates can be found below


Photo of the tour (so far!)

There have literally been thousands of photos to choose from for our photo section but the following three photos are particularly worthy of note.

In third place is "BUG" by Gareth Davies - a study of a probable man-eating and deadly poisonous arachnid but we can't really tell as its out of focus! If anyone knows what the two black things are at the bottom we would be delighted to know.













In a close second place is "SPEED" by Colin Johnston - the boring eternity of South African roads, especially when you have just taken a 250 mile detour by accident, skilfully captured with a careful reflection of the team sponsors logo as well as a team arm and knee clearly visible in the bus window.
















But the winner is "THE ETERNAL MYSTERY OF BEING" also by Colin Johnston. This magical piece conjures up many varied questions on the sheer vastness of the universe and beyond . . . 

What is blue? Why are clouds? Where is the edge of the blue and what is beyond the blue? Is it more blue? Will it rain?

The delicately placed white thing in the bottom right - what is it? Is it the wing of a low flying albatross? Is the soul of a lost V bull? Is it a bit of a minibus? We may never know . . . Only the artist that is Colin has the answers and will not divulge his secrets . . .  well unless you buy him a drink that is!



Day 19 - the RSA International Match

Today is the day of both the start of the South African equivalent of the Queens Prize, known as the State Presidents, and the RSA International Match (Great Britain vs South Africa at long range) in the afternoon. So no pressure then!

Uncharacteristically once again (although if it keeps going at this rate, it won't be uncharacteristic) for South Africa, the day dawned overcast, and with a significant threat of rain. Thankfully, this once again meant that the wind was doing very little, and enabled most of the team to put in some good scores, with the occasional 105 for good measure.