Day 6 – Waterfalls, Ziplines, and Poutine

Simon Hayton

Today was our third and final day of R&R in Quebec City. We were treated to much finer weather than yesterday’s washout, and the team had a choice of either a wonderful walking tour by Gale S from PQRA, or an adrenaline-fuelled ziplining adventure.

Our tour started with a stroll from the City Hall up to St. John’s Gate and the Place D’Youville. Gale gave a wonderful explanation of the history of this part of the city, having been established as a settlement by the French Explorer Jacques Cartier in the sixteenth century. We then progressed up around La Citadelle de Quebec for wonderful city views and descended to the waterfront for a tasty spot of lunch.

Meanwhile, the younger, more sprightly half of the team were joined by Michael C for an exciting morning of Ziplining. Christina reached a death-defying estimated top speed of 50mph, thus cementing her status as leader of the pack, for now at least. With this now settled, the group enjoyed a quick hike around the waterfall which was in an impressive state of flow following the recent unseasonal rain.

Now, the team will complete some admin and packing before an early night in preparation for the drive to Borden tomorrow. With competition starting in just forty hours, our focus is now substantially shifting back onto the task at hand. Stay tuned.

Written by Simon Hayton