
Epilogue: Reflections on a wonderful tour

Now that we have all arrived back home, got some sleep, and with many of us this morning on the way back to work – it seems like an appropriate time for one last diary entry to wrap everything up. Firstly, we must tackle the serious point that we missed out on our goal of ...

Day 17 – Packing and Departure

After a brilliant final night with birthday celebrations, rodeo, and line dancing, the team awoke in the various rooms of our motel at varying times. The task of packing our rifles and equipment to be flight ready began in earnest, and was finished in time for a lovely rooftop lunch in Barrie overlooking the lake ...

Day 16 – The Final Day

Today was the final day of shooting on our Canada tour. The day started with the Gatineau, a 2+15 at 1000 yards, the final shoot of the DCRA Grand Aggregate. Simon Hayton was tied for first place with a score of 75.10v, but narrowly lost out to Zevin Linse in the tie shoot scoring 24.3v ...

Day 15 – The Canada and Commonwealth Matches

Today featured the Canada and Commonwealth Team Matches. Team GB put forward our top teams, with some incredible performances such as Christina Cuming recording the top score across all teams in the Canada match, with an incredible 150.20v. Another of the GBU25s, Tom Shaw, posted the joint top score across the Commowealth match, one off ...

Day 14 – DCRA National Championships (Fourth day)

The Grand Aggregate continues today with the Gibson and the Presidents. The combined score of the Letson from yesterday and the Presidents today forms the qualifier for the Governor Generals Final, and it’s the last day to impress the management for selection to the team matches that are coming in the following days. So, everyone ...

Day 13 – DCRA National Championships (Third day)

The weather was bright, warm, and muggy today. Whilst for at least one of us this meant he could finally get his laundry dry, it also made heat management a major factor in today’s shooting. The day started with the Letson, which features in both the DCRA Grand Aggregate, and as a qualifying score for ...

Day 12 – DCRA National Championships (Second day)

Today was day two of the DCRA National Championship, and our fifth consecutive day of shooting. Having now been in country for nearly a fortnight, the challenges of shooting away from the home comforts of Bisley are beginning to show. With long days on the range and evenings a rush of ammo distribution, sandwich making, ...

Day 11 – DCRA National Championships (First day)

Today was the first day of the DCRA 🇨🇦. A careful eye needed to be kept on the mirage and flags, and the conditions yielded some very good scores. We started with the Tilton at 500 yards, which was which was two sighters and ten to count. James Postle was third with a 50.8v, followed ...

Day 10 – 141st Ontario RA Provincial Championship (final day)

Today has been without doubt the most exciting and consequential day of the tour so far. Strap in. The first shoot of the day was the Des Burke at 1000 yards, which also served as the final shoot of The Mercer Grand Aggregate. Patrick and Jane both came off with 50.8v, tied for first place. ...

Day 9 – 141st Ontario RA Provincial Championship (continued)

On the second day of the Ontario Provincial Championship, the conditions became a little more challenging with the addition of a morning rain shower. The course of fire today consisted of two shoots at 900 yards and one at 1000. The first shoot, The Tait, featured two of Team GB within the top ten – ...

Day 8 – 141st Ontario RA Provincial Championship

Today was the first day of the Ontario Rifle Association meeting and the team descended on the range bright and early at 0730 to pick up squadding for the next few days. Short range was the order of the day today with 4 shoots, twice at 500 yards and twice at 600 yards. The course ...

Day 7 – The Team Drive to Borden

An early start today, as the team rose from 6:30AM to begin loading the van, shortly after our tenacious Team Treasurer’s training session in the hotel gym had concluded. After completing the mammoth 900 km journey, the team are all settled in for nine days of back to back shooting. Tomorrow marks the beginning of ...

Day 6 – Waterfalls, Ziplines, and Poutine

Today was our third and final day of R&R in Quebec City. We were treated to much finer weather than yesterday’s washout, and the team had a choice of either a wonderful walking tour by Gale S from PQRA, or an adrenaline-fuelled ziplining adventure. Our tour started with a stroll from the City Hall up ...

Day 5 – R&R in Quebec (Continued)

The team woke on day 2 of R+R in Quebec to find the weather had turned quite considerably rainy, and so indoor activity was the order of the day. Some team members opted for sightseeing at the Citadel, which forms part of the fortifications around Quebec City – did you know Quebec City is only ...

Day 4 – R&R in Quebec

The team have been making the most of the few days we have off before competitions start again on Friday. Some of the team took the opportunity to get out of the city and explore the stunning Canadian wilderness for a leisurely hike. The rest of us remained in Quebec for a day of sampling ...

Day 3 – Valcartier Invitational (Continued)

With the cobwebs blown out yesterday, the team once again descended on Batoche range for our second day of shooting. With Team GB occupying nine slots out of the top ten going in, and a team match on the schedule, things were suddenly becoming rather more consequential. We started the day with another 2&15 at ...

Day 2 – The Valcartier Invitational

The team rose bright and early (one much earlier than others) for the first day of shooting in Quebec. For many of us it was our first visit to the Batoche range at Valcartier and also a new experience of using the electronic target systems on our personal devices! The morning commenced with liberal application ...

Day 1 – The Team Arrives in Quebec

Following a few very minor transportation challenges, the GB team have arrived in Quebec City! The team have spent this afternoon carefully checking over kit, assembling rifles, and preparing for our first competition tomorrow. Having received our GB tour badges from the captain, everyone is eager to start getting some shots down the range tomorrow!

GB Canada Tour Underway – Day 0

It is with much excitement and anticipation that the Great Britain Rifle Team shall imminently depart the United Kingdom, bound for Canada to compete in a series of regional and national championships before contesting the Canada and Commonwealth Matches. With the original captaincy having been announced four years ago, this is another in a series ...