Day 9 – 141st Ontario RA Provincial Championship (continued)

Simon Hayton

On the second day of the Ontario Provincial Championship, the conditions became a little more challenging with the addition of a morning rain shower.

The course of fire today consisted of two shoots at 900 yards and one at 1000. The first shoot, The Tait, featured two of Team GB within the top ten – Jane M scoring 50.8 and Tom S scoring 50.7v, with Mike B on the same score in 13th place. The Brassey featured Jack A in 5th place with 50.7v and Nigel and Jane following closely with a 50.6v.

Mike Bumford, having never fired in a tie shoot before yesterday, put in a 25.3v to win his third within the last 24 hrs. An absolutely stunning performance of which he should be very proud.

Lastly, the MacDonald Stewart at 1000x started to break apart the pack. With misleading mirage and reported true winds between zero and four left, only two possibles were scored, with Mike B scoring an impressive 50.1v.

This leaves the final standings with Jon U second, having dropped only two points. Jack A, Patrick C, and Mike B follow in 8th, 9th and 10th place respectively.

The weather forecast is better for tomorrow, but with it being the final day of the ORA Championship, it will no doubt be another exciting day for Team GB. Stay tuned for more.

Written by Simon Hayton