Day 12 – DCRA National Championships (Second day)

Simon Hayton

Today was day two of the DCRA National Championship, and our fifth consecutive day of shooting. Having now been in country for nearly a fortnight, the challenges of shooting away from the home comforts of Bisley are beginning to show. With long days on the range and evenings a rush of ammo distribution, sandwich making, laundry, rifle cleaning, and dinner, there’s hardly enough time to enjoy a few quality sundowners at the end of it all. Yet we persevere, and the sense of teamwork and camaraderie we have developed is carrying us through.

Many of Team GB continue to produce notable performances. Reg Roberts put in the joint top score of 75.13v in the MacDougall, and will tie shoot on Friday. Tom Rylands and James Postle also posted excellent scores of 75.12v, securing places in the top ten.

In the John Brick, Jane Messer was third with 100.16v, Nigel Ball 5th, James Postle 6th, both with scores of 100.14v. In 7th was James Shephard and Reg Roberts 9th both on 100.13v. Jon Underwood was 10th with 100.12v.

Finally, the Alexander of Tunis was contested at 1000 yards with some haze and dim light made sighting difficult. Congratulations to Tom Rylands who finished 6th with a 50.7v and Birthday Boy Michael Bumford who finished 9th with a 50.6v.

With only four days of shooting left, the team are more focused than ever. Stay tuned.

Written by Simon Hayton and James Postle