Day 17 – Packing and Departure

Simon Hayton

After a brilliant final night with birthday celebrations, rodeo, and line dancing, the team awoke in the various rooms of our motel at varying times. The task of packing our rifles and equipment to be flight ready began in earnest, and was finished in time for a lovely rooftop lunch in Barrie overlooking the lake and trips to Cabela’s outdoor shop.

The team set off in time for the marathon check-in and customs process, and after some delays to departure and baggage handling, arrived safely back at the SRA yesterday.

Given the relative lack of events to mention on this day, it’s a good opportunity to recap something that didn’t make it into one of the earlier diary entries.

During the PQRA / ATPQ Valcartier Invitational, Mike Bumford has taken one of his counting shots and is updating his plot sheet with the bolt open. A grasshopper has landed on top of the rifle, just in front of the rearsight.

Mike tried to shoo the grasshopper away, but this leads the grasshopper to crawl into the breech. Mike tries to get the grasshopper out, without success. Removing the bolt, it becomes clear to Mike that the grasshopper has decided to move up the chamber and take refuge inside the barrel. By now, it’s Mike’s turn to shoot.

Mike: Err, excuse me, I’m afraid there’s a grasshopper in my barrel.

Jon Underwood: What?

Mike: There’ a GRASSHOPPER, in my BARREL. What should I do?

Jon paused for thought

Jon: Well essentially you have three choices. Carry on and blast the grasshopper downrange, which could be very damaging to your rifle, remove the grasshopper with a cleaning rod, or retire from the shoot.

Mike thought about this for a brief moment, and sensibly chose option number two.

Mike: Range officer!

After the cleaning rod kerfuffle we all know and love to hate, the grasshopper was evicted back to their grassy home, and the shoot could continue. Mike went on to finish with a score of 74.9v.

Written by Simon Hayton