Day 11

Toby Little

The team made their way to the range for their sixth consecutive day of shooting to shoot the States President second stage (similar to King’s II) and the Municipal Cup at 800m.

The 8am start and spotty cloud cover kept the temperature down and the scores high at 300m with 50s from Harriet, Tom, Jemima and Luca.

The heat increased but the wind remained low at 500m however scores remained high with George, Christina, Alice, Toby C, Luca and the team manager Tom Rylands all hitting strong 50s.

600m proved to be a much harder range with the wind flying across the range. Despite this the captain Harriet Bramwell led the team scores getting an impressive 50.02 meaning that she also topped the team in State President second stage with a 148.11.

After impressive shooting from the whole team everyone has qualified for the final, except for Jemima who missed a shoot due to injury, that will be shot on Friday morning.

After an intense three shoot morning the range rested for lunch at the peak heat of 37C before shooting the Municipal Cup. Despite the high winds caused by an incoming storm, the team stayed more than competitive with the Palma team with both Christina and Harriet getting 49s and Toby L, Alice, Luca, Jemima getting 48.

Very excitingly, Luca is currently leading the U25 World Championships and Christina the U21 World Championships with one day to go – all to play for tomorrow.

The range day was concluded with a prize giving while a storm raged outside. The team were presented with their gold medals for winning the vice presidents team match.