Team Matches

The wire badges that are presented to individuals representing a team in the 'Big 5' Matches. (The white cross in the center, is the badge presented to an England team member in for the National Match. The Mackinnon badge here is also the English one.) Details on each of these matches can be found by clicking on the relevant link in the menu on the left.

Team Competitions

In team matches, shooters will generally shoot in strings with another member of the team judging the wind and moving the firer's sights. As you can see in the photo to the right, the coach normally sits next to the firer to give him a better view of the range. Adjacent to the coach, another team member 'plots' the shots on a score diagram. This allows the firer to concentrate on just firing good shots and the coach to watch the wind. 

Often, in bigger matches, where the team has more than one target, there will also be a main coach whose job it is to provide a link between all the targets and give a standard wind call.