Monday 28th January

After one day of individual competition, the New Zealand Match today was for international teams of ten. The GB team had been announced on Saturday evening (it had to be selected before any competitive shots were fired), allowing us to prepare suitably. As on recent mornings, the skies were overcast for the first shoot but rapidly cleared and the temperature rose through the morning. The course of fire for the match was 2 sighters and 10 counting shots at 300, 600, 900 & 1000yds (just like the Australia Match). The 300 yard shoot set the scene for the day: GB scored 493 with 60 v-bulls. Australia were leading with an impressive 498 and 64 v-bulls.

By lunchtime, after 600yds GB were lying 3rd, 11 points behind Australia and a single point behind USA, having lost a shot to a slam fire. With an afternoon at long range, in fast changing winds, this deficit had the potential to be insignificant. At 900 yds we felt totally in control of quite a tricky, changing, wind but lost a further 8 points to Australia and at 1000 yds they gained a further 7 points to take the win. (1955.185v to 1929.158v). The USA didn’t have a good 900yds. so slipped back to 3rd overall 10 points behind GB. Full scores are available elsewhere on this website.

Individual honours go to James Watson with a fabulous 198.20, not only making him top GB score but also highest score in the New Zealand match. The next 4 best scores – all 197’s – were shot by Australians, the best of them Duncan Davies with 28 V-bulls – some feat on ICFRA targets which have a substantially smaller centre bullseye ‘V’ than we are used to at home.

Alongside the  New Zealand match for senior teams, there were further competitions for under 21, under 25 and veterans teams. New Zealand won the World Championship match at U21 level, and Australia won at U25 and they also won the veterans competition. The GB U21 team had started strongly, leading after 300 yards but struggled with the wind through the middle of the day. A good 1000yd shoot wasn’t sufficient to get amongst the top 3 though. The closest result proved to be the veterans match for the Tony Loughnan memorial trophy, with GB and Australia tied on points. The result in Australia’s favour was decided on V-bull count.

After a long day on the range, fresh fruit ice creams and cold beer refreshed all whilst awaiting prize giving.

A team dinner in the Trentham Mess Hall (attached to Totara lodge) finished the first team match day. The next international team match will be the World Championships for the Palma Trophy in 12 days’ time.


  1. Kent Reeve

    Thank you for a gold medal job of keeping us informed. Well done!

  2. Jonathan Ensor

    Wow – that’s my boy !!!


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