Saturday 26th January

Today was our first full day of shooting, with the team having been given instructions to be heading for the range by 07.30. After a team warm up conducted by Zoe, there followed two hours of practice at each of 300, 900 & 1000 yds with a ‘lunch’ break after the first range (10.30am).  The morning started much cooler than yesterday (waterproof trousers donned over shorts, for some, to keep warm). Later in the morning it had warmed considerably and the wind gradually built through the day. This provided an excellent chance to practice team drills in challenging, changeable  conditions. We were not alone in operating as a team on this practice day; oddly, some of our rivals had chosen, though, to shoot as individuals.

There were also a few challenges to be found negotiating the ranges, with bus 6 making it onto 3 wheels at one stage – apparently the wrong sort of humps for an anonymous plastic surgeon driver to negotiate – and several vans needing to be parked some distance from 1000 yards after we used our full allotment of time at 900.

Indeed, our full allotment of time was used at both 900 and 1000 yards as we sought to learn as much as we could in conditions that varied from a small amount of right wind to,at one point, 11 minutes left.It was mostly readable but the changes were so incredibly quick as to make it often very difficult to stay ahead of them. There were several scores in the 30s as bulls and magpies/outers mingled. A big learning experience, and perhaps a wake-up call if anyone needed it.

Top honours for the day go to Jon Underwood with 145.12; leading the way at 1000yds was our Vice-Captain with an impressive 48.5.

After an hour to unpack buses and change into No.1 kit we gathered for a team meeting and the announcement of the team for Monday’s New Zealand Match: firers Armstrong, Ball, Drysdale, Luckman, Patel, Raincock, Rose, Underwood, Walker and Watson; captain Calvert; adjutant Hockley; coaches Tremlett, Charlton and Ensor; reserves Lowe and Winney. This was followed by a walk across to the Trentham racecourse for a ‘meet and greet’ evening – a good way to catch up with hundreds of old friends (and some new) from around the world.

1 Comment

  1. Steve Conant

    Good commmentary on the wind!


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