David Crispin

David Crispin

David works in his own engineering company building rifles and accessories. This will be David’s sixth tour with a GB team having been to New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, West Indies and the USA.

He lived in the USA for six years and hopes to see some of his American shooting friends during this trip. There was not much TR shooting where he lived in Rochester, NY so he used to head north across the border to Canada and shoot with folks from the Ontario Rifle Association. He made some lifelong friends there and is very much looking forward to seeing them again. He spends a lot of time at Bisley as Chairman of the Surrey Rifle Association. His shooting started at age 13 with the Air Cadets and at 15 shot the No.4 .303″. That hurt with it’s brass butt plate and wearing only a blue shirt, but after the bruising subsided he was back for more with a hand towel for shoulder padding. After doing the Cadet Bisley meeting in 1979 and 1980 he was set for a lifetime of Bisley shooting. He hopes to improve Dairy Queen’s share price through milk shake consumption.