James Mehta - GBRT Canada USA 2016

James Mehta

James started his shooting career aged 13 at Framlingham College, and nearly went to Canada in 1975 as he was non-travelling reserve for the Athelings. He continued shooting at Edinburgh University where he was Captain of Full-Bore, but ceased shooting when life got in the way. Returning to the shooting fold about ten years ago he was amazed by a) how little Bisley had changed in twenty years, b) the technical developments in shooting, and c) that he could still see the targets. Steady improvement led to selection for County and Country, and the NRA Channel Islands Team in 2014. Thrilled to be selected for the GB Tour to Canada he is looking forward to learning from the wealth of experience in the team. He is delighted to be visiting the beautiful area of western Canada again, having previously skied in Banff and Lake Louise. When not shooting, James enjoys flying light aircraft and photography. In his spare time he is a general dental practitioner in Colchester.