Matthew Charlton

Matthew Charlton

Matthew Charlton

Matthew started shooting at RGS Guildford when he was 13. This is his 10th Great Britain tour, his 9th tour to Canada and his 4th to the USA. He was fortunate enough to lead separate teams to the west coast and to Canada two years ago, but is greatly looking forward to being able to combine the two by shooting, at long last, in British Columbia as well as across the border in Washington. He also hopes this will be his first tour with a fixed room-mate! He will be married to (his best) team-mate Ellie in October.

Wind coaching is Matt’s main strength and was his role on previous GB, Scotland and club tours to Canada, Australia, South Africa, USA, New Zealand and the West Indies. Matt has 45 “Big Five” appearances under his belt and has been part of the coaching team for Great Britain victories in all the major international matches and record scores in several. He even shot in a win on his last GB tour!

Matt is a teacher of modern languages and mathematics, having ‘retired’ from institutional stockbroking in the City a few years ago to do something he loves. He sculls, having rowed competitively, and enjoys cycling, skiing and snowboarding when there’s time.