Julie Ouston

Julie started shooting at school when she moved to Epsom College for her A levels. Despite not being a ‘natural’ she thoroughly enjoyed the sport, and continued to shoot with Cambridge University and the Old Epsomians. She improved, and in time became Captain of both fullbore teams - the first time a woman has held either post.

After University Julie remained an active competitor at Bisley and in 1994 was selected for the NRA Team to the Channel Islands. The following year Julie made the England National team and in 1996 was selected for Mick Barr’s Great Britain team to Canada.

She continues to represent her county, Hertfordshire on a regular basis, and now (as a result of being Neil’s partner) also shoots for the RAF Target Rifle Club, and has been fortunate to be able to compete in a number of different countries with the RAF including the Channel Islands, South Africa and New Zealand.

Julie first shot in South Africa in 2000 and is really looking forward to her ninth visit to this fantastic country (if she can count correctly!)

Away from shooting, Julie is a veterinary surgeon, and having initially spent time in small animal practice, is now Director of her own company specialising in veterinary nurse training, which has just celebrated its 10th year in business.