Steve East

Steve started shooting in the 1970s with .303s and .22 rifles at his local rifle club with limited success.

Joining the RAF Steve improved his skills and started a long career of shooting Service Rifle and Pistol and is fortunate to have represented the RAF in these disciplines both at home and overseas.  Shooting target rifle did not happen until the early 1990s but when it did, Steve was hooked with the whole Bisley experience.  During the 1996 Imperial Meeting Steve won the Tyro Grand Aggregate, narrowly beating another team member, a certain Mick Silver. Target rifle is now firmly in Steve’s blood; he has achieved team success in representing the RAF and Combined Services as well as the Royal County of Berkshire.  In 2011 Steve was selected to shoot for England in the National Match.

Now retired from the RAF Steve works for one of the largest Rail Companies in England as a train technician.

This will be Steve’s seventh visit to the South African Championships and is looking forward to renewing acquaintances with both the shooters and the wine!

When not shooting TR, Steve is often found at Bisley shooting his .303s or touring Europe on his motorcycles.