Mick Silver

Mick spent 43 years in uniform in the RAF Regiment; he is now semi retired and working in security at RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire.

Mick has previously shot Service Rifle and Pistol representing both the RAF and GB teams and is a previous Queen's Medal winner in 1992. Although he has always dabbled in Target Rifle he only took it up seriously in the early 1990s and since then has won the Wimbledon and Donegall trophies at Bisley.  He shoots .22” in the winter to county standard.

Mick has been lucky enough to have toured the USA, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa where some of you may remember the snake that turned out to be a frog! This will be Mick’s seventh visit to South Africa and he is looking forward to seeing old friends (maybe even the frog) and making new ones.