Friday 19th August

Yesterday evening, some team members were able to sample and in some cases, resample the superb ribs available here at the Barons Hotel. A couple of younger chaps, both relations of of other successful shooting families were persuaded to parade for an 0830 departure to the range. The rest of the team surfaced at about 0900 and finally left at about 1045.

An advance party, including the Captain and his Vice, left somewhat earlier and had retrieved the GB fridge + all sorts of other treasure from storage at Connaught. They soon had our cold storage facility up and running, albeit with a length of bungee cord hooked onto the door handle to persuade the fridge to stay closed. Captain and Vice then moseyed up to the DCRA offices to sort out some paperwork, delegating the erection of the team gazebo to those remaining. Charles Brooks was tasked with production of some coffee for the gazebo squad. He lead the standard of performance for the morning by blowing both electric ring mains in our hut. The fridge and air conditioning are h'ors de combat at present. We await a qualified electrician.  Meanwhile the potential Krypton Factor gazebo team – consisting of a barrister, a surgeon and an airline pilot proved themselves incapable of getting the right screws in the right holes at the right angles and had to be assisted by a newly graduated (Cambridge) chemical engineer who solved the problems in seconds. He was on last year's team, so had some idea of what went where, the instructions being useless.

On examination of the Cadet meeting prize lists, we were delighted to see that Wiiliam Broad won the cadet Grand Aggregate, Harry Orpen-Smellie 2nd and Oscar Ryndziewicz 3rd. An Athelings 1,2,3. Congratulations gentlemen on some fine shooting.

We begin our shooting this evening. A nice gentle 2/15 at 800m in the Ottawa Regiment. First relay at 1800, the second at 1847. We will not return to our hotel till a late hour, so I will report on the shoot in tomorrow's diary.