Friday 26th August

The shooting of the Gatineau completed the Grand Aggregate this morning in almost perfect conditions. Kent Reeve has won. Our highest place went to Warby at 5th, with Dyson 6th. GBRT had 8 in the top 14.

As I write, the team prepares for the Commonwealth Match. Teams of 12 firers on three targets. Preparation for some entails watching the latest Star Trek film on David Rose's laptop – James T Kirk saves the universe again... The smell of Hoppe's and Sweets permeates the hut. Emma is sunbathing on a bench outside whilst a group of Canadian soldiers seem to have found something very interesting to look at just beyond her.

A lovely afternoon weather wise, some very interesting winds at long range. Some lengthy “stops” whilst waiting for mirage to indicate something sensible all from the same direction and agree with the flags. We dropped 9 points at 800m, Canada dropped 12. GB was 13 ahead on V bulls. Unfortunately for GB, the Canadian team put in a superb shoot at 900m dropping only 7 points whilst we leaked more than was desirable. The final scores were Canada 1181.107, GB 1179.117. Canada winning the match by 2 points. Canadian match captain Fazal Mohideen top scored with100.14, David Crispin and Emma Nutall both had creditable 100.10's.

The GB U25's (AKA Athelings) won their match 777.58 to 761.48, well done.

Team management and coaches are now outside the hut in deep discussion, probably discussing the stock market!

0900 start to the Canada match tomorrow. More fine weather forecast for our last day's shooting.
Some team members will be attending the Macdonald Stewart dinner in Ottawa this evening.