Tuesday 16th August

A very relaxed day for all. Some went cruising around the shops. Some went whale watching, no whales seen, but three of our younger “blades” had a serious discussion (they claim) with the barmaid on the boat.

One group mounted an expedition to the South West. By recommendation of one of our shooting friends, they detoured via Prospect, a beautiful very quiet little village at the end of one of the many peninsulas on Nova Scotia's south coast. At the time of the visit, there was still some low cloud around, so everything was still a bit gloomy. For those who enjoyed Alfred Hitchcock's film “The Birds”, Prospect could have been used as the town in the film. There was even a house that could have doubled as the Bate's motel in “Physco”.

Peggy's Cove was then honoured with a lightning visit, lots of tourists, tat and a lighthouse. The coast road was followed around to Lunenberg. The sun came out and a seafood lunch enjoyed whilst overlooking an idyllic view out over the bay. We were served by a young lady from Dorset. The town was founded in 1753 by about 2700 protestants from the Upper Rhine area. There is still a slight German flavour to the town, which is now a World Heritage site.

All members back by 1730 hrs, when Dave Dyson had requested we all loaded rifles and suitcases into the hired truck for transportation to Ottawa. We now just have hand baggage until our arrival in Ontario on Thursday. Messrs Dyson and Rose will be starting very early tomorrow for the 15 hour (ish) drive to the Canadian capital. Our thanks to them, it will make the team's transit to the DCRA matches much easier.

The majority of the team will be up at zero dark thirty to go deep sea fishing, leaving the hotel at 0645. The intention is to feed everyone at a team dinner tomorrow evening. Wish us luck!