Saturday 20th August

First relay of the Ottawa Regiment was scheduled to start at 1800 hrs.  Not unusually, at the beginning of any meeting, not everything runs like clockwork. The shoot began at 1823 after a degree of confusion. The second relay began at about 1925 and the last GB firers got off the firing point at about 2000, having fired their last few shots using “the force”. The majority of GB firers put them all in, with a few having some zero resolutions which resulted in some points dropped early on in their shoots. The highest score was from Simon Shouler, who managed 12 v's but was trumped by 3 Canadians with 13 v's.

Due to complaints about noise from residents some 2 kilometers away, the military authority here has listened and agreed to commence shooting here at weekends at 0900. The team got a little lie in. Most buses were at the range by 0815. The Gooderham features shoots of 2/10 at 900 metres and 2/15 at 500 yards. Some of us were lucky and got first detail – our first go at 900 metres since arrival. As you would expect JJ's ammo went very straight. Emma Nuttall put 2 v's with her 50 points at 900, paired with a 75.7 at 500 to take 2nd place behind Des Vamplew who only scored 9 more v's than Emma. GB had 6 placed in the top 10 and 13 in the top 20.

Having completed our shoots in the Gooderham, the team found themselves with upwards of 4 hours till the next shoot. Most of us took the opportunity to go back to the hotel to freshen up or have a snooze. Messrs Dyson, Blake and Crispin remained behind. During our break, a lively little cumulo nimbus cloud paid a visit. We at the hotel noted an initial gust and automatically thought “glad I'm not shooting now” as the first drops of rain fell. The shower passed just in time for us all to return to Connaught. Some one in the bus commented that “they have moved the gazebo!”

Well, they sort of had. As the gust front from our friendly cb hit the range, Dyson nearly got blown away. The Gazebo then did a reasonable imitation of a helicopter as it swept majestically away across the parade ground behind our hut. A “nick” of military police duly attended to check out what all the hullaballoo was about. They laughed and drove off.

The Airline Pilot, Barrister and Surgeon are having nothing to do with the replacement gazebo. At this very moment, the adjutant and one of last year's GBRT members are “disassembling” the bent, twisted remains of the shelter, we can hear the ring of large bits of metal being torn apart by the hefty sinews of Dan Blake, Dave Rose, Ian Shaw, Jon Kent and Emma. It is the intention to perhaps replace our sun refuge with something that will take less than three hours to erect.

As I write, various GB marksmen have wandered out to 900m for the Army and Navy Veterans match.  A 2/15. There are 2 details, we are scheduled to finish at 1800. The DCRA “Meet and Greet” drinks and dinner start at 1900, so it will be a quick turn around. The menu promises “Hip of Beef “. Does this imply that the beef was “hip” during its lifetime, or that it could have lost some avoir du pois before arriving at its final destination?

The Grand Aggregate commences tomorrow at 1300.