Tuesday 9th August

After arriving yesterday evening, today was the first chance for the team to explore Halifax. After a leisurely breakfast at “Smithy’s” across the road, the team headed into the town in small groups.

Most  headed to the seafront to see the harbour and find good bars and restaurants in which to enjoy our evening meals. One well-known Scot on the team was particularly keen to find a bar called the “Lower Deck”, which he had been to last time he was in Nova Scotia when Brown Bess muskets were still in use by the garrison of the Citadel. Much to his delight the bar was still there, fortunately for those with him at the time, he didn’t go on stage to sing “Flower of Scotland” as had been the case last time.

A few of the team decided to sample the famously good Halifax seafood and enjoyed lunch at “Macalbies” restaurant. Meanwhile the victuallers mounted an attack on the local Costco, followed by a retreat via a local booze shop before finally acquiring some real Hoppes at a local emporium.

The afternoon was spent looking around the various Halifax shops to buy souvenirs and gifts for those at home. Messrs Dyson and Langley spent the afternoon pushing the ammo needed for the Nova Scotia meeting.

After a brief team get together to collect ammo and squadding cards for the next few days, we left, quivering with anticipation to start shooting next day.

Most of the team enjoyed dinner at the Keg Steak house before getting an early night to prepare for our first practice day tomorrow.

Our thoughts are with those affected by the ongoing riots in our cities at home. Some interesting entertaining texts have been received by various team members on the subject of the present unrest.