Sunday 14th August

A lie in! Shooting starts at 0900. An 0715 reveille resulted in all of us at the range in good time for 0830. A very relaxed morning's shooting at 800 metres, accompanied by our Fags, who all squeezed into various nooks and crannies in the vans and provided some much needed culture and elegance.
In case you are wondering, Fags = fiancees and girlfriends.

Each team's “effers” started the shooting, 2/10's. GBRT fielded 4 teams of four, ably augmented by a Canadian shooter with a 'scope. We all shot twice, in two separate matches, the only difference being that the F class shots were changed around. As we had all got to know these charming shooters during the week, it was a pleasure to shoot in a team with them.

Conditions were pleasant, with a temperature starting off around 18 celsius and rising to about 21 by the time we finished shooting before lunch. Wind up our trousers/shorts as we have become used to.

We have also become used to very high scoring and today was no exception, GB Blue winning by 2 v's from GB Green, both teams only having dropped 1 point in the first match. The Blues (aka “Da Heavies”) Messrs Shouler, Rose, Shaw and Blake, coached by “Lightweight” Langley also took the second match by 1 point and 11 v bulls, again, only dropping 1 point.

The team is now accustomed to the superb (free) lunches provided by the NSRA. Today, they outdid themselves. Subway (Nova Scotia) provided all with both lobster and standard subs. I don't mean “lobster” masquerading as crab sticks. This was the real thing and we are most grateful and appreciative. A very pleasant beer was supplied by Granite Breweries.

Please have a look at the photos for the haul of silver won over the last four days of competition. It must be said that the NSRA do have a quite an impressive collection.

As promised, some went lake swimming on the drive back from the range. No one got anything nibbled and there were observations of the level of water in the lake rising as certain team members immersed themselves.

The GBRT to Canada this year are agreed that we have all received more than a warm welcome from a lively, vibrant well run and organised Rifle Association who have built a great range out of wild forest. Even when keeping register, it is done far more courteously than we at Bisley ever manage. It is peppered with “please” and “thank you”. F'rinstance, “Bob, your second to count is a v bull”. “Thank you Bill” comes back the response. None of your “second sighter bull 5 doyouwannaconvert?”

Nova Scotia Rifle Association, we thank you and hope it is not another 50 years before another British team visits.