David Luckman

GC2, SM, SC3

  • Somerset
  • England

David is the reigning World Individual Long Range Rifle Champion.

His successes in the UK are numerous, and include seventeen consecutive Grand Aggregate crosses (including two gold ones – 2007 and 2010 - as well three silver ones), sixteen St George's badges and fifteen Queen's badges (including coming 2nd or 3rd on numerous occasions). A prolific team shot, he already has 47 ‘Big 5’ appearances to his name, including the last three Palma matches. Remarkably in 2010, he shot 4 international matches in four consecutive days (National, Kolapore, Mackinnon and Australia) without dropping a single point.

David started shooting with Sedgemoor Target Shooting Club and became an Atheling in 1994. This is his 11th GB tour, and fourth to Australia, having toured in 1997, 2001 and 2005.

David works for Clerical Medical in Bristol as an Actuary. In his spare time he is an avid sports player and qualified tennis coach. He competes in triathlons and half marathons as well as enjoying mountain biking, surfing, swimming and other sports.