Erica McMullan

Team Physio

Erica started shooting at the tender age of 14 at Belfast Royal Academy, and has gone on to shoot for Ulster, Ireland and Great Britain. Her touring career started with the Athelings and GB U25s to Canada and she was captain of the successful GB U25 team to South Africa.  She subsequently toured with senior GB teams to Canada and USA in 2004, and Australia in 2005.  This will be her first tour without a rifle, but with a physio table instead!

After qualifying as a Chartered Physiotherapist in 2002, Erica migrated to join the London Irish, but has now returned to the Emerald Isle and is working in private practice in Dublin, where she specialises in treating musculoskeletal conditions. 

Erica is happy to admit to having the occasional 'blonde moments', but hopes not too many of these will make the tour diary!  She is delighted to be returning to the ranges at Brisbane, but hopes there will be less need for welly boots this time!