Edward Jeens


  • London
  • Wales

Ed is the team’s travelling reserve. He began shooting full bore at Marlborough College in 2000 where one of the other members of the team, Jon Cload, was shooting coach. Eventually prioritising TR over music, Ed shot his first full Imperial meeting at Bisley in 2003, as well as touring to Ireland with Wales that year for the National Match. He has gone on to shoot a further eight National Matches and eight Mackinnon matches for Wales. He has also accumulated an impressive list of tours over the same time period, progressing via the GB U19s, the GB U25s (for whom he shot at Belmont in 2005) and Wales, to the GB senior team to South Africa in 2008 and to New Zealand in 2010. Earlier this year, he gained further representative honours for GB in the Kolapore at Bisley.

With two elder shooting brothers (one of whom is a HM Queen’s Prize winner), sibling rivalry has been a great catalyst in Ed's shooting development, and major competition placings are described in relative rather than absolute terms. He looks forward to another opportunity to compete against Richard overseas.

Ed is extremely proud to be getting married next year to his fiancée, herself no mean shot and coach of Epsom College, where many GB internationals first learned to shoot. Outside of shooting, Ed works at UKTV (yes, the people responsible for “Dave”), so if you see him watching Australian TV, he may well try and claim he is doing ‘research’!